The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) has embarked on a Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative (FSSI) for Building Maintenance and Operations (herein BMO) services.
At its core, the FSSI program strives to implement a commodity management approach to federal procurement. BMO is one of several commodity groups for which FSSI is seeking a more effective government-wide acquisition approach. The Building Maintenance and Operations contract is intended to provide Government agencies with an acquisition vehicle offering comprehensive coverage of services that fall under the building, maintenance and operations scope. BMO is available for use by all federal agencies and other entities as listed in U.S. General Services Administration Order ADM 4800.2G, Eligibility to use GSA Sources and Supply; as amended.
Service categories included in our BMO contract are as follows:
For further information on our building management capabilities, click here to see our Facility Services.
GSA BMO Contract (Sections A through J) and Modifications (PDF format)
Find the GSA BMO Webpage here: GSA BMO