COLUMBIA, MARYLAND: LB&B Associates Inc., the diversified services company operating in over twenty five states, the District of Columbia, and overseas locations, announces that it has been awarded the contract to build, maintain, and operate a fuel facility at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, USA, and that construction is ready to begin.
Environmental Clearance Secured and Pre-Construction Planning Completed
LB&B Associates Inc. also announces that all environmental considerations and requirements related to the construction have been met, and a lease has been signed for the project. As part of pre-construction, LB&B Associates Inc. personnel conducted a pre-construction meeting at Cape Canaveral which included the various entities at Cape Canaveral, Mr. James Lamm from DLA Energy, and the LB&B Associates Inc. construction partner “Team Reliable.”
Ground-Breaking Ceremony Held at the Construction Site
After the meeting, a traditional ground-breaking ceremony was held, signaling the start of construction. Present at the ceremony were Alexander Torrance, Vice President, LB&B Associates Inc. Support Services Division; David Van Scoyoc, LB&B Associates Inc. Chief Operating Officer; Mark Keeling, Project Manager, Reliable Contracting Group; and James Lamm, Logistics Management Specialist, DLA Energy. LB&B looks forward to working closely with Team Reliable, DLA Energy, and the United States Air Force at Cape Canaveral.