A green roof, or “living roof,” is a roof that is covered by a water-proof membrane, and then covered with plants. More companies are adopting the green roof trend as they are both aesthetically pleasing and beneficial to the occupants. Benefits include energy savings through insulation, stormwater retention, and of course, small animal and seasonal plant habitation, which can reduce stress to employees.
To remain functional, green roofs require continual maintenance, especially through the changing seasons. Plants need to be cared for and replaced according to the seasons. It’s important to diversify your green roof with different plant species.
Consider the case of the Archives II building managers in College Park, Maryland. They noticed that their green roof looked barren in the summer and fall months. The five species of plants that they chose seemed to only bloom in the spring. To fix it and restore both the beauty and practical function of the green roof, LB&B planted over 430 new plugs that would bloom in the summer and fall. This improvement will keep the green roof even more beautiful and functional all year. Now the occupants can take time for lunch, reflection, and conversation in a lovely environment year round without having to leave work. Even better, the roof is now maximizing both energy benefits and ecological benefits.
Are you looking to install a green roof? Talk to us about your needs.